miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

runa kurku k'anchay =the luminous body.

we are all born with a luminous body.. this is our birthright, because in the Incan belief we are Children of the Sun.. we are all vibrating pulsing bodies of energy. it is only hucha, heavy energy, usually stemming from fear, that makes our luminous body dense. IN this time, the time of the New Pachakuti, we are all being given the opportunity to shed our hucha and once again re enliven our runa kurku k'anchay. when we work from a place of munay, l'lankay , yachay, we open our hearts and our true nature begins to shine.

this is our job as the people of the light. the ones who agree to bring the light to others..

this morning as i greet the Sun, i commit to doing my best to letting my hucha drain away so that i may bring the light and therefore give others permission to do the same.

one clear heart and light body at a time we can re-awaken!! the choice is ours and i say YES!!
deepest munay to you all… may your day be brilliant as your hucha drains away..

©The road to Q'eros 2013.
art work charles frizell pathways of the light worker.

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